I have a very bad habit of not letting things sitting that I want to try getting rid of in 2025. By letting things sit I mean consistently sticking to the things that I decide to do and not change it. It means actually having patience and giving it time.
The most annoying example I can think of that comes under this category is my habit of changing my neovim config way too often. So often that I feel that the very purpose of customizing my neovim config is lost. Something feels like ours only when you give it time.
This applies not only to my editor example, but also to relationships, electronics and most importantly routines.
The art of maintaining a routine has been ever elusive to me and I believe that I finally know why: Consistency and Predictability. I think I am finally at a stage where I can stop experimenting and stick to something.
Now this has many implications I don’t want to write about on a public blog, but it essentially means quite a bit of self reflection and some major changes. The effect of this however, would be an overall positive on my blog and my YouTube channel at-least; since I plan on consistent posting on both the platforms.
So as my new year resolution, I shall stick to stuff; not be swayed that easily and try to bring about an internal locus of validation.
I know that this will be very hard, but hey no harm in trying :)