New Domain!!

Posted on Mon May 13 2024

If you’re on the site, you will notice that it is now!! I just purchased the domain and I plan on owning it for the forseeable future.

I was unable to decide between and, however, since I am Indian and also, the .in domain was cheaper (almost 15%!): I decided to go with the later.

It really is a very special thing to own a domain. It is like you own a small part of land rights on the internet. I know this is a bad metaphor, for one owning a domain is like having a name with nothing to attach the name to.

However, owning a site has become more accessible and easier than ever, with startups like Vercel and Netlify owning huge chunks of the market for the “early devs” to go hosting.

I use vercel as well and it has been quite a good experince, especially with the usually hectic stuff like CNAME’s and stuff. Vercel makes it quite easy. Also a free SSL certificate and automatic www redirection? Who can say no to that!

Regardless, I am quite excited to be the proud owner of

Thank you for reading :)