
Posted on Sun May 19 2024


I am a tinker at heart. The methods and ways that I learn stuff are quite weird at times and it shows in the way I use and personalize my development environment. I use a Lenovo Ideapad laptop with about 10GB of Ram and an AMD processor. Windows 11 came in built with my laptop, although around 6 months ago, I finally made the long needed shift to Linux.

So my current setup is an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS laptop, using the default Ubuntu-Gnome Desktop environment. I sometimes end up using i3, however this is quite rare since wayland seems to run way better on my laptop. For quite sometime after I made the shift to Linux, I used to use VSCode with Github Copilot for coding. I was always a terminal guy and after some learning, I finally started using Neovim and wrote a small config setup for myself.

My neovim setup is now quite a big repo and I use around 70 plugins (Well to be fair, most of them are colorschemes). I am proud of it and don’t plan on leaving it any soon. In all this however, I stopped using AI for code completions completely. I plan on writing a blog post on this soon. This made a huge impact on me.

My Neovim setup

I also landed on my favourite software on Linux.

  1. Firefox / Brave: For web browsing
  2. Calibre: For managing my pdf’s
  3. Warp: For my terminal
  4. Thunderbird Mail: For my Email
  5. Apostrophe: For my markdown
  6. Libreoffice: Office suite

This setup has been just perfect for me and I slowly trying to stick to it. This is also partly because I want to work on my attention span and be more mindful and as much as I like customization, I feel it has to do with my constant need for stimulation.

So there it is. I finally have a stable setup, that I can use for personal stuff and work and school. Kinda perfect, as it should be :)